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Issue List
Journal of Chromatography B
Copyright © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 805, Issue 2, Pages 187-377 (15 June 2004)
       Selected Display Checked Docs E-mail Articles Export Citations View:
Determination of 1-hydroxypyrene in children urine using column-switching liquid chromatography and fluorescence detection ARTICLE
Pages 187-193
Ching-Tang Kuo, Hong-Wen Chen and Jiann-Lin Chen
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Analysis of PEG 400 and 4000 in urine for gut permeability assessment using solid phase extraction and gel permeation chromatography with refractometric detection ARTICLE
Pages 195-202
S. Loret, G. Nollevaux, R. Remacle, M. Klimek, I. Barakat, P. Deloyer, C. Grandfils and G. Dandrifosse
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Simultaneous quantification of beclomethasone dipropionate and its metabolite, beclomethasone 17-monopropionate in rat and human plasma and different rat tissues by liquid chromatography–positive electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 203-210
Yaning Wang and Günther Hochhaus
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Simple determination of terbutaline in dog plasma by column-switching liquid chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 211-214
Y. Zhang and Z. R. Zhang
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Simultaneous determination of four immunosuppressants by means of high speed and robust on-line solid phase extraction–high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 215-222
Therese Koal, Michael Deters, Bruno Casetta and Volkhard Kaever
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Accurate assignment of ethanol origin in postmortem urine: liquid chromatographic–mass spectrometric determination of serotonin metabolites ARTICLE
Pages 223-234
R. D. Johnson, R. J. Lewis, D. V. Canfield and C. L. Blank
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Rapid determination of acetone in human plasma by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and solid-phase microextraction with on-fiber derivatization ARTICLE
Pages 235-240
Chunhui Deng, Wei Zhang, Jie Zhang and Xiangmin Zhang
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High-performance liquid chromatography assay for the quantification of HIV protease inhibitors and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors in human plasma ARTICLE
Pages 241-247
Naser L. Rezk, Richard R. Tidwell and Angela D. M. Kashuba
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Simultaneous determination of the enantiomers of esmolol and its acid metabolite in human plasma by reversed phase liquid chromatography with solid-phase extraction ARTICLE
Pages 249-254
Yi-Hong Tang, Ying He, Tong-wei Yao and Su Zeng
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Separation and determination of dexamethasone sodium phosphate in cochlear perilymph fluid by liquid chromatography with ultraviolet monitoring and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry characterization ARTICLE
Pages 255-260
Hongxia Liu, Xiaolan Chen, Shusheng Zhang, Lingbo Qu, Yufen Zhao, Hongjian Liu and Mingmin Dong
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Determination of A 3,4-diaminopyridine in plasma by liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection using solid-phase extraction ARTICLE
Pages 261-266
S. Goulay-Dufaÿ, B. Do, M. D. Le Hoang, J. A. Raust, H. Graffard, F. Guyon and D. Pradeau
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Reversed-phase liquid chromatographic method with fluorescence detection for the simultaneous determination of albendazole sulphoxide, albendazole sulphone and albendazole 2-aminosulphone in sheep plasma ARTICLE
Pages 267-274
Georgios C. Batzias and Georgios A. Delis
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Liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry method for the determination of tranexamic acid in human plasma ARTICLE
Pages 275-280
Qi Chang, Ophelia Q. P. Yin and Moses S. S. Chow
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Simultaneous determination of catecholamines and polyamines in PC-12 cell extracts by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography with ultraviolet absorbance detection ARTICLE
Pages 281-288
Guanshu Liu, Junnan Chen and Yinfa Ma
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Development of a validated liquid chromatography method for the simultaneous determination of eight fat-soluble vitamins in biological fluids after solid-phase extraction ARTICLE
Pages 289-296
Pavlos F. Chatzimichalakis, Victoria F. Samanidou and Ioannis N. Papadoyannis
Abstract | Abstract + References | PDF (201 K)
Analysis of coenzyme Q10in human plasma by column-switching liquid chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 297-301
Ping Jiang, Meihui Wu, Yufang Zheng, Chang Wang, Yonghang Li, Jian Xin and Guowang Xu
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Determination of chloralose residues in animal tissues by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 303-309
Ken Hunter, M. J. Taylor, E. A. Sharp, L. M. Melton and S. Le Bouhellec
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Determination of benidipine in human plasma using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 311-314
Wonku Kang, Hwi-Yeol Yun, Kwang-Hyeon Liu, Kwang-il Kwon and Jae-Gook Shin
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Affinity membrane chromatography: relationship of dye-ligand type to surface polarity and their effect on lysozyme separation and purification ARTICLE
Pages 315-323
M. Yakup Arıca, Meltem Yılmaz, Emine Yalçın and Gülay BayramoImagelu
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Determination of Image-arginine and NG,NG- and NG,NG′-dimethyl-Image-arginine in plasma by liquid chromatography as AccQ-Fluor™ fluorescent derivatives ARTICLE
Pages 325-329
Tamila Heresztyn, Matthew I. Worthley and John D. Horowitz
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Optimisation of the separation of four major neutral glycosphingolipids: application to a rapid and simple detection of urinary globotriaosylceramide in Fabry disease ARTICLE
Pages 331-337
S. Roy, K. Gaudin, D. P. Germain, A. Baillet, P. Prognon and P. Chaminade
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Determination of the deoxycytidine kinase activity in cell homogenates with a non-radiochemical assay using reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography: Identification of a novel metabolite of 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine ARTICLE
Pages 339-346
Jörgen Bierau, René Leen, Albert H. van Gennip, Huib N. Caron and André B. P. van Kuilenburg
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High-performance liquid chromatographic assay of lactic, pyruvic and acetic acids and lactic acid stereoisomers in calf feces, rumen fluid and urine SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 347-351
Julia B. Ewaschuk, Jonathan M. Naylor, Wade A. Barabash and Gordon A. Zello
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Liquid chromatographic assay for dicloxacillin in plasma SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 353-356
Oscar Alderete, Dinora F. González-Esquivel, L. Misael Del Rivero and Nelly Castro Torres
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Quantitative determination of astilbin in rabbit plasma by liquid chromatography SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 357-360
Jianming Guo, Qiang Xu and Ting Chen
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Affinity adsorbent based on combinatorial phage display peptides that bind small alpha, Greek-cobratoxin SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 361-363
Woo-Hyeon Byeon and Bernard Weisblum
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Determination of paraldehyde by gas chromatography in whole blood from children SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 365-369
Isaiah M. Githiga, Simon N. Muchohi, Bernhards R. Ogutu, Charles R. J. C. Newton, Godfrey O. Otieno, Evelyn N. Gitau and Gilbert O. Kokwaro
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Author index to vol.805 MISCELLANEOUS
Pages 371-374

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Subject index to vol.805 MISCELLANEOUS
Pages 375-377

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Page CO1

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News Section NEWS
Pages N1-N2

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